Palantir Bot & Typo Account

With a typo account, you can customize your skribbl appearance and connect with friends.

How it works

Typo is not only an extension that brings many tools that come handy while drawing and guessing.
When you click on "Login with Palantir", you can create a typo account and start collecting items and connect with friends.

This is what you can do with a typo account, in a nutshell:
  • As soon as you play on skribbl, you automatically start collecting "Bubbles", the typo currency.
  • You get 1 Bubble every 10s when you're online on skribbl.
  • Using bubbles, you can buy avatar decorations ("Sprites"), or avatar backgrounds ("Scenes").
  • Every other typo user will see those decorations, when they're playing in the same lobby as yo!
  • Once in a while, a drop icon appears on the skribbl canvas. When you click them quickly, you can collect bonus bubbles.

Your Inventory

To buy and use sprites and scenes, see your stats and do many more things, you can use the "Palantir" Discord bot.
Join the typo Discord server or invite the bot to your own server using this link.

The Bot supports many commands to access your inventory, check progress on seasonal challenges or compete with your friends.
To see more help about the Bot commands, you can check out this article.

Palantir Features

Palantir offers many features and challenges to make skribbl a more interesting (and even more addictive ;) experience.

Here are a few bullet points what you can expect:
  • Open award packs to reward special drawings on skribbl with badges.
  • Monthly seasons of "Drop Leagues" where you compete against other typo members.
  • Participate in seasonal events to collect limited sprites and scenes.

Community Features

Another big feature of Palantir is the integration to discord, where you can bring your friends together.

When you set up a typo server home, you can use following features:
  • See who of the other server members are currently playing and join them easily directly into their lobbies.
  • View a leaderboard of all server members.
  • Send images from your skribbl lobby directly to a channel on discord.

To learn more about it and how to set up a typo server home, have a look at this article.

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by tobeh | Discord
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